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SNCF records record profits in 2022, with 2.2 billion euros in profits

The SNCF has never earned so much. According to ” Parisian “, the group would have made a profit of 2.2 billion euros over the last twelve months. A record, 10% higher than pre-Covid results, in 2019.

This profit can be explained by a particularly fruitful summer. Fourteen million long-distance tickets were sold in July and August alone. Note that this amount does not include the sale of the Akiem locomotive rental subsidiary. The previous record dates back to 2017: SNCF posted a net profit of nearly 1.5 billion euros.

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While the controllers’ strike has considerably disrupted the Christmas holidays, management is trying to keep a low profile regarding this staggering figure. She even tried “to keep this number secret”, ensures a daily source. The group also refused to comment on the figures with the “Parisian”.

“It’s the money of the railway workers”

“This silence is not surprisingestimates this same source. In the midst of mandatory annual wage negotiations, these good results could have polluted the exchanges. Even complicate the search for a controller strike exit. »

The group must provide some expenses such as financing the modernization of the rail network, which would represent 60% of its profits, or electricity, whose bill is multiplied by three. But, “if today there is anger within the company, it is because the efforts made by the railway workers are not rewarded”says an internal source to the “Parisian”.

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“It’s the money of the railway workers. It was won thanks to the productivity of the agents put to music by the various reforms of the company. It’s about always doing more with less. There, we have removed a counter, here we have replaced taxis with VTCs with a lower quality of service, so that drivers can reach their departure station. Little things, irritable, which rot the daily life of the agents who end up exploding as for the controllers “said a union official.

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