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SNS24 starts issuing sick leave

António Cotrim / Lusa

Proposal of the Socialist Party provides for the simplification of shorter requests for sick leave, up to three days. And with an annual limit.

pass a sick leave it will no longer be possible just by declaration of a hospital establishment, or health center, or even by medical certificate.

From Aprilin principle, requests for sick leave of a maximum of three days duration, may be requested through the SNS24.

These unpaid write-offs are the most requestedrecalled Fernando Araújo, executive director of the National Health Service (SNS), in SIC.

“It’s just a question of justifying absence from work and that’s what we’re going to bet on, which are the ones that are most requested”, commented the person in charge.

The idea is to create a “balanced” mechanism in articulation with the Ministry of Labor, which avoids resorting to a family doctor, but which avoid also “abuses“.

The Socialist Party will present a proposal for these short-term casualties to be requested and confirmed by via digital.

The “digital way” is the SNS24 portal (not the telephone line), the digital counter of the National Health Service where citizens can access health information and services.

It will not be necessary to go to the health center or hospital, or contact the family doctor. But there will be a limit of 6 sick days per year in this system, warned the socialist deputy Fernando José, in the Business Journal.

Fernando José justifies this measure with an attempt to “debureaucratize the National Health Service” and “make life easier” for workers.

The proposal will be presented at the meeting of the working group, next Wednesday.

ZAP //

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