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Social housing and the future of real estate

Real estate companies have the responsibility of hiring good professionals who allow them to innovate in their projects. (Andean)

Lime suffers from a zoning stock necessary to provide the necessary infrastructure to a city of more than 12 million inhabitants. The same thing happens in all the cities of the country.

The residential vision limits the possibility of construction of commercial, educational, medical and service buildings, distancing housing from equipped areas. The growing need puts pressure on the city to resolve these services organically, with the authorities being responsible for promoting the creation of new infrastructure and high-rise solutions that allow better land use.

Peru being a country predominantly urbanit should be a State policy to promote quality cities, with better land use through high-rise buildings that seek greater density near transportation and services.

The new regulation VIS seek to resolve this. The possibility of having commerce and services at the first levels should also be promoted, so that it is possible to equip the city with solutions close to the housing area. It also promotes the construction of mixed-use buildings, which respond to a modern vision of the 15-minute city, which guarantees access to shops and services that allow essential needs to be met within close distances on foot or by bicycle.

“Since Peru is a predominantly urban country, the promotion of quality cities should be a State policy” (Andina)

Lima can and should be densified. It should promote the construction of quality high-rise buildings. Although in other realities there are bad solutions that are used as examples to demonize the construction of dense buildings, this does not mean that quality buildings with the same capacity cannot exist. To say otherwise is pure demagogy.

Our current regulations guarantee the quality of the buildings. There is a long tradition in the technical work of these reference documents that guarantees solutions that meet good construction and quality standards in buildings.

The regulations have a high standard, guaranteeing the safety of residents and users of any building in our country. The design of any type of construction is adequately regulated and compared with that of other countries, it allows to guarantee an adequate supervision and control of the validation procedures to obtain the construction license.

The real estate They have the responsibility of hiring good professionals who allow them to innovate in their projects, promote quality and add to the construction of the modern city. This has already been happening in recent years and it can be verified by looking at the quality of the projects that are currently being developed.

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