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Söder downplays speed limit in new podcast: "Be polite now"

From now on, Markus Söder (CSU) invites guests to his podcast “On a white-blue cup”.Image: dpa / Matthias Balk


Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has entered the podcast game and is now inviting guests “On a white-blue cup”. Those interested can already listen to the first episode.

His first guest is the astrophysicist and TV presenter Harald Lesch. “He is a science explainer and fights for the preservation of creation,” writes Söder on Instagram. “Look forward to the conversation about the world, the future and the impossible.”

The relaxed conversation typical of podcasts lasts around 46 minutes. In it, Lesch and Söder speak and discuss several current topics, for example about lateral thinkers, the universe and extraterrestrial life. The climate takes up a large part of the conversation.

Lesch and Söder discuss adhesive protests by activists

Activists who stick to the street for their protest – a topic for the Bavarian Prime Minister again and again. He had already emphasized his approach in the past: tougher penalties. In the podcast he also addresses the climate activists of the last generation. He asks Lesch what he thinks about it.

He already indicates that he can hardly understand adhesive actions: “When I see people sticking to each other, for the 9-euro ticket, for example. I don’t know if the ratio is right.” Greta Thunberg did more, “without violating legal interests”.

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His podcast guest shows a more relaxed view of the activists’ actions. Although he sees the problems that arise from sticking on other bystanders in everyday life, he also emphasizes at the same time:

“First of all, I take away the desperation from those who stick to it. And I would really not criminalize them under any circumstances.”

Markus Söder has a more relaxed view of the activists of Fridays for Future. “There were a lot of conversations that I thought were okay,” he says.

Söder rejects the speed limit – Lesch counters

The opinions of the two men differ on the subject of speed limits. Lesch endorses it, as he suggests. “Of course I would think it would be great if the politics would finally say: We’re going to set a speed limit.” He is referring to a new study. Although he does not name them specifically. However, there is a scientific consensus on CO₂ savings in terms of speed limits. After a new study by the Federal Environment Agency this could save around 6.7 tons of CO₂ on motorways. Previously, 2.6 million tons had been assumed.

Markus Söder sees it differently. He is not convinced of a speed limit. After all, there are also other studies, says the CSU politician. Harald Lesch adds: “Not really.” The worst study was two million tons. “They would have been good for us,” says Lesch. “I’m totally polite now and say: I’ll think about it again,” Söder concludes the topic.

The podcast can also be listened to on YouTube.Video: YouTube/Bavaria

The podcast is available on popular streaming platforms such as Apple Music and Spotify, as well as on YouTube. Officially it is a podcast of the Bavarian State Government.

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