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Soldiers arrived in trucks at the National Engineering University

Users on social networks reported the arrival of military trucks with troops from soldiers to the National University of Inguinaria after the eviction of the demonstrators in the UNMSwhich occurred in the morning hours of Saturday, January 21.

LOOK: Sigrid Bazán arrives in San Marcos: congresswoman demands the name of the officer in charge of the eviction of protesters

In the images you can see a row of military vehicles in front of the house of studies and a large part of users warn that they could evict the protesters who are inside.

A strong military and police contingent is stationed at the National Engineering University. In videos broadcast on social networks you can see a long line of trucks that would have military troops inside.

READ ALSO: San Marcos: the police part of the complaint of the vigilantes for aggression and robbery of protesters

San Marcos: Police remove black flag placed by protesters

Moments of tension were experienced on the morning of this Saturday, January 21, when agents of the National Police of Peru they entered the National University of San Marcosto evict the hundreds of protesters who came from all parts of Peru for the ‘Take of Lima’ and other marches, demanding the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress and the immediate call for new elections.

Images show how a PNP tank collapses the gate of gate 3 of the university campus to enter. Then, they go to the student residence and are confronted by several young women, who, very nervous, began to claim for their rights, assuring that they were students.

In addition, images broadcast by Canal N show how the members of the order lowered a black Peruvian flag that was raised on one of the poles of the university campus. Next door, several intervened people can be seen, with their backpacks

Police detained several demonstrators who arrived from the province for the ‘Take of Lima’. They also confiscated posters, banners and lowered a black flag raised on a pole on San Marcos.


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