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Solitude passes invoice to your cells

The feeling of loneliness, unfortunately, is one of those that most affect the psychological well-being of the people of our days. More having in mind the confinements experienced after the pandemic. Much has been said about its effects on the mental health of societies, but little about the consequences that it can produce in the body, because it is something emotional, it is overlooked that it can affect physical health.

There should be a difference between “feeling solo” and being alone or not having so many social connections. Some of the objective factors that cause feelings of loneliness to increase can be sudden changes in the family unit, an excess of technology consumption to alleviate this loneliness or the lack of external support.

“Our immune system responds to loneliness as it would to the threat of a virus, that is, producing more cells and inflammatory proteins”

And, by the way of accounts, it has been shown that by contributing to a worsening of the psychological well-being of people, loneliness can produce higher levels of anxiety or stress, as well as illnesses ranging from heart disease, to some types of cancer and it leads to strokes or dementia. Obviously, it is not the direct cause of these conditions, but it does contribute to its development and worse prognosis.

Major inflammation

“The danger that involves perceived or chronic loneliness can affect various processes of our body, including those that intervene in metabolism or the neurological, endocrine and immune responses of our body”, asserts Shilpa Ravella, journalist from Salon that has become known echo of all these studios. “Of course, our immune system responds to loneliness as it would to the threat of a deadly virus, it is decir, producing more inflammatory cells and proteins. heridas, the fact that there is a chronicle has been related to myocardial infarctions and cerebrovascular accidents, as well as high levels of cholesterol in the blood”.

Thus, there are studies that relate loneliness or social isolation with high levels of inflammatory molecules such as CRP, IL-6, TNF-a and IL-1B. For example, a Danish studio showed how to live alone for many years or suffer a chain of emotional ruptures, including those of the death of the couple, were closely related to the increase in CRP and IL-6 levels in men of middle age . Also, another investigation carried out in the United States associated loneliness with “systemic inflammation”.

At the cellular level, a study found that those who perceive themselves as lonely or are socially isolated present a decrease in their defensive lines against viruses and bacteria. The researchers of a 2015 study carried out in monos and humans saw how the most solitary had higher levels of neorepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that is activated in response to fight or huida, which incited the bone marrow to produce more monocytes, a type of leukocyte that fights against invading germs. Then, they related that those who suffer loneliness or are more isolated have a more low immune response.

“Loneliness, like other forms of stress, increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases”, assures Ravella. “It can directly affect the ability of immune cells to effectively fight germs. We also know that low chronic inflammation can make immune response difficult.” And, evidently, chronic inflammation contributes in turn to “fatigue, loss of appetite or social withdrawal”.

On the other hand, loneliness can also produce bad habits. From sleeping badly or not eating enough and not exercising to resorting to tobacco or alcohol as a form of escape. “Lonely people also have more possibilities to face other stress factors, such as poverty, responding with fury and vehemence”, concluded the journalist. The worst of the loneliness is that there is no direct way to put the brake on. After all, it is a feeling that forms part of the private life of the individual and expands a lot in time: the more alone someone is, the more he will get used to it and will seek to isolate himself without finding a fuera answer. For this reason, it is necessary to address this issue both individually and collectively. No soil to be more healthy, bell to feel more well-being in our life.

Source: Feed +

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