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Some sources of fire were activated in the Punta Lara Reserve and reinforce the tasks

The Municipality of Ensenada detected new sources of fire in the Punta Lara Reserve and reinforced the tasks to prevent the flames from spreading again throughout the property. The authorities remarked that the situation “it’s not serious” but they stressed that it is essential to work as soon as possible to control the accident.

In this context, spokesmen for the Ensenada Secretary of Security told that increased the number of firefighters. “We also send tankers and other machines of ours to control the fire”they detailed.

Asked about the reasons why these spotlights were activated, they explained that in several places there was ember from the fires that broke out last week and “the wind blew and re-ignited the fire.” “There is always an ember left and the wind blew strong and reignited the flames. That is what happened today, it is nothing serious but it is essential to work quickly so that the fire does not spread throughout the property”they completed.

As reported Wednesday, January 27, a major fire broke out in the green lung.

According to the spokespersons, the focus began “in the grassland that is near the Río de la Plata, on the coast, at the bottom of one of the campsites”. The sector is halfway between the last street of Punta Lara and the Camino Negro, “a space of three kilometers”.

According to the information provided, approximately 350 hectares burned. The magnitude of the accident was such that there were residents of the silver that perceived traces of ash in their homes and even had some difficulties breathingr.

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