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Sony would have signed an agreement with Konami: Silent Hill, Metal Gear and Castlevania soon PS5 exclusives?

Sony has reportedly managed to strike a huge exclusives deal with Konami. So, upcoming titles from famous franchises like Silent Hill, Metal Gear, and Castlevania may well become PS5 exclusives. It’s already confirmed for Silent Hill 2.

While the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft has been blocked by the United Kingdom, Sony is beginning to place its pawns. The Japanese multinational would have actually signed a huge exclusive agreement with Konami, the developer who also comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. If this agreement has indeed been signed, the famous franchises of Konami like Silent Hill, Metal Gear and even Castlevania could become PlayStation exclusives.

Metal Gear Solid 3 © Konami

This news comes from the journalist Jez Corden renowned for the veracity of his information. He tweeted this weekend: “ I just heard that Sony has reached a deal with Konami for Silent Hill, Metal Gear and maybe even a new Castlevania “. For their part, neither Sony nor Konami have announced anything.

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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake: Snake Eater and a ‘Reimagined’ Castlevania Coming to PS5

Although nothing has been officially confirmed, Jez Corden’s comments corroborate Konami’s announcement a few months ago. The Japanese developer had actually announced the remake of Silent Hill 2 which will be released as a temporary exclusive on PS5 and PC. It will therefore not be not available on other consoles for 12 months after his release.

Konami also took the opportunity to teaser other games in the franchise, including a Japan-based Silent Hill, interactive experience and mystery title. The agreement signed between Sony and Konami would therefore make these titles exclusive to the PS5, at least temporarily.

Regarding Metal Gear and Castlevania, a report already claimed in 2021 that Konami wanted to revive these two franchises. Specifically, the Japanese developer is said to have planned to ” reimagine » Castlevania. The Singaporean studio Virtuos is said to be in the process of developing the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. By the way, Shpeshal_Nick just announced in the Xbox Era podcast that Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remake would be unveiled. at the next PlayStation showcase. The date of this one is however still unknown, but it is expected for this summer.

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