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Soon you may have added digitally with Bank ID

Bank-ID has announced that they will soon launch digital ID cards in their app. With the new function, you will be able to link your national ID card or passport to the app, and can then use the app to display the information from the linked identification document after you have verified yourself as usual in the app.

A qr code will also appear to be used to validate your identity. Should it not be possible to scan it, it should be enough to go after the picture, but your identity should then only be seen as probable, but not “strong and reliable.”

Photo: Kristian Kask/Foundry

When the physical document you linked to Bank-ID has expired, the digital version in the app also stops being displayed. As the app cannot show an expired identification document at all, the risk that shops and companies would accidentally approve an expired passport or ID card is also reduced, according to Bank-ID.

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