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SOS from a father carrying his son with Down syndrome attacked by hospital dogs in hospital in Tiaret

A video posted by the father of a child abused by two pit bulls in Tiaret generated a lot of reactions from netizens. In the post shared on Facebook, the father of the young boy, suffering from trisomy 21, deplores the lack of professionalism of the staff of the main hospital of the wilaya, the Youcef establishment Damerji. The video in question shows shocking images and a poignant speech which lays bare the reality of hospital services in our country.

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bad grip in charge of a child attacked by a dog, his father ignites the networks social

Fulminating with rage, the father of a young boy from the town of Melakain Tiaret, shared his anger with the webosphere in a final cry of help. Son, just 10 years old, has Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) and was done attacked by 2 pitbull type dogs. Seeing her son badly injured (multiple bites to head, arms and knees) the father takes his son to the nearest nearby clinic. The clinic in question sends the father to another hospital, the Youcef establishment Checkerssupposed to have the equipment and the necessary personnel for support.

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But again, he faces a wall. No health professional deigns to treat the child bleeding and in shock “Everyone tells me it’s not their responsibility,” he says in the video. Worse still, the staff asks him to go to another health establishment located Chelala. Outraged, he films himself alongside his son to denounce the situation in the hope of getting a return from the competent authorities.

Youcef hospital union Damerji pleads the misunderstanding »

Alerted by the video, two members of parliament went there to meet the father of the child, alongside the director of the hospital and the director of regional health. According to the latter, the request for transfer to the hospital of Chelala was made for technical reasons and not out of laxity. On-call surgeons specializing in facial reconstruction for children were available at Chelalaaccording to the same source.

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The Tiaret regional health director will also receive the on-call team that evening for the purposes of the investigation. Adequate measures will be taken in the event of an overrun, indicates the latter.

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