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SOS Racisme files a complaint for racist insult against the president of the metropolis of Tours

Frédéric Augis would have insulted the vice-president of the metropolis of “dirty Portuguese”. As the latter did not file a complaint, the association decided to take legal action.

He would have called his colleague “dirty Portuguese”. The president of the metropolis of Tours, Frédéric Augis, is the subject of a complaint for “injury of a racial nature”, filed this Tuesday by SOS Racisme, reports France Bleu.

The case dates back to April 4, after a metropolitan council. After a lively exchange, Frédéric Augis would have launched to Cédric de Oliveira, vice-president of the metropolis and mayor of Fondettes, that he was “just a dirty Portuguese”.

“harsh words”

Cédric de Oliveira would have decided not to file a complaint. According The Parisianin a letter addressed to his colleague Frédéric Augis would have apologized, explaining to have had “harsh words” which exceeded his thought.

“I undertake in the future not to repeat this type of statement,” he wrote.

For its part, the association SOS Racisme has chosen to take legal action.

Two complaints in 2011 and 2014

Contacted by France Bleu Touraine, the president of SOS Racisme Dominique Sopo explains that this decision was motivated by the lack of reaction from the Tours prosecutor’s office and the prefect of Indre-et-Loire. “But that’s not the case,” he laments.

“And we could not stop there, faced with such behavior, especially since we learned that Mr. Augis is customary to the fact”, continues Dominique Sopo, referring to two complaints filed in 2011 and 2014 by a socialist activist of Portuguese origin for verbal and physical attacks.

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