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South Florida politicians pay tribute to the fallen

South Florida politicians pay tribute to the fallen

MIAMI.- South Florida politicians participate in different events to commemorate Memorial Day and express their gratitude for those who fought to defend freedom.

Daniella Levine Cava, county mayor, said on X that “on this day we remember the brave men and women of Miami-Dade County and the nation who gave their lives for our country. “His sacrifice will never be forgotten.”

Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart stated on the same platform that “we are the land of the free thanks to those brave men. “The courage and sacrifice of the fallen will never be forgotten.”

Manny Cid, mayor of Miami Lakes and candidate for county mayor, said he woke up thinking about the more than one million Americans who gave their lives for our country.

“I particularly thought of Ofren Arrechaga, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class, and U.S. Army Private Frank V. Benak, whose final resting place is Vista Memorial Gardens Cemetery,” in Miami Lakes.

“We owe them a debt of gratitude that we will never be able to repay,” said Cid.

“It is an honor to honor and remember the brave men and women who sacrificed everything for our freedom. Their courage and dedication will never be forgotten,” said County Commissioner René García.

The mayor of Sweetwater, José “Pepe” Díaz, was at the air show where he expressed that “it is always an honor and a privilege to see the best of military personnel and be able to meet with heroes and colleagues.”

“Let us always remember that this is also a moment in which we pay tribute to those who serve our country and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom,” said Díaz.

“Take a moment today to remember America’s fallen military heroes and their families for protecting our country. We would be living in a very different world if it were not for the strength and kindness of our military,” said the mayor of Miami Beach, Steven Meiner, host city of the air and sea show to honor the fallen.

Annette Taddeo, former state senator and candidate for clerk of courts and comptroller in the upcoming elections, who was at the Miami Beach event where a wreath was laid for the fallen, said that “as a proud American and daughter of a veteran of US Air Force, I had the honor of attending and paying my respects to the fallen. “I will always remember those who paid the ultimate price in the name of justice and freedom for all.”


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