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SpaceX shows what the colonization of Mars would be like in this shocking video

SpaceX, Elon Musk’s company, has its eyes on Marte. All of their work, including the mighty Starship rocket, counts as final objective the colonization of the red planet.

In a video released this week, the company showed what the arrival on Mars would be like. It lasts just over five minutes. from the departure of the Starship from Earth to the arrival at the final port, along with the establishment of human life on the site.

Until this Wednesday, the video had already been seen more than 620 thousand times.

Elon Musk initially foresaw that Humans will reach Mars by 2026. At least, this was what he said in a 2021 interview with Time magazine, which named him Person of the Year at the time.

“I’d be surprised if we don’t land on Mars in five years,” Musk said. “The overall goal is make life multiplanetary and allow humanity to become a space civilization.”

“The next big thing is building a self-sufficient city on Mars and bring the animals and creatures of Earth there. It would be a kind of futuristic Noah’s Ark.” stressed the billionaire.

Then he changed the year to 2029, in a later intervention.

Can the goal of humans reaching Mars in 2029 be met?

However, everything still seems very far from being done, and that 2029 seems to be another goal that will not be met on time. barely in 2023 attempts are being made to successfully take off and land, After a trip to Earth orbit, the Starship rocket.

Meanwhile, NASA has already carried out the Artemis I mission, sending the Orion ship without a crew to the orbit of the Moon. The North American aerospace agency announced to the members of the Artemis II mission, that will make the same journey, but now with astronauts, in 2024.

they are Christina Koch, Victor Glover, Commander Gregory Reid Wiseman y Jeremy Hansen, the latter belonging to the Canadian agency.

For Artemis III Possibly these same astronauts reach the surface of the Moon, if everything goes according to plan. The projected year is 2025.

At the moment, there are several terrestrial devices, not only from the United States but from other countries such as the United Arab Emirates and China, those found both on the surface and in orbit of Mars. It is part of the exploration, pre-voyage and colonization goals of SpaceX.

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