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Spain, Norway and Ireland decide to recognize Palestine as a State, Israel protests

Spain, Norway and Ireland decide to recognize Palestine as a State, Israel protests

MADRID.- Given the risk of an escalation of tensions in the Gaza Strip, SpainNorway and Ireland prepare to recognize Palestine as stateat the end of this month of May, and called on other countries to join this unprecedented initiative that is considered could fuel the war conflict in the Middle East.

The decision, which began to be evaluated in 2023, was confirmed by the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez during his appearance in the Congress of Deputies, and would be based on the “danger” they face. Israel and Palestine to reach a peace solution in the Gaza Strip, immersed in a war since October 2023 when Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,200 Israelis in the south of the country.

Given the announcement, Israel considered that it sends a precise message to the Palestinians and the world. “Terrorism wins,” according to Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, and he called his ambassadors in Spain, Norway and Ireland for consultations.

Meanwhile, the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, applauded the decision and considered it a “historic moment.” “Spain’s decision, at this time, is a contribution by countries that believe that the two-state solution is an option that represents international will and legitimacy,” he said.

Abbas’ statement was also joined by the terrorist organization Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

The announcements by Spain, Norway and Ireland bring to 146 the number of United Nations member states that recognize the State of Palestine, and it is estimated that this could increase in the coming days.

Palestine, a State

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, during the announcement, said that he will recognize Palestine as a State, next Tuesday the 28th, the same day that Ireland will do so, with whom he has been coordinating efforts for months to simultaneously carry out the recognition, it was reported. . Slovenia and Malta are also scheduled to do so.

“It is an act of peace, justice and coherence,” said Sánchez during his speech in which he also referred to Israel and harshly questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, criticizing him for “not having a peace project for Palestine” and He blamed him for “causing so much pain and destruction in Gaza, which is why the two-state solution is in serious danger.”

“Palestine will continue to be the land of our hearts,” he said.

Sánchez implicates Netanyahu two days after the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, requested arrest warrants against him along with the Israeli Defense Minister and three Hamas leaders from the Hague instance, following an investigation into crimes of war and against humanity in the Gaza Strip, since October 8, 2023.

Israel says it will not remain silent

Minister Katz made his country’s position known in a statement in which he said he had sent “a firm message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of this.”

“The hasty steps of the two countries will have more serious consequences,” he said, referring to the two countries.

Most countries that have recognized Palestine are located in Africa, Asia and South America.

However, for Palestine to become a State it needs the approval of the UN Security Council. The last attempt to gain the support of the Security Council occurred on April 18, but was frustrated after the United States veto.

Source: With information from EuropaPress, ABC,

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