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Spanish artists sing to the Palestinian people on the 75th anniversary of the “occupation”

Madrid, May 15 A dozen artists sang this Monday in a tribute to the Palestinian people held in Madrid on the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli war that led to the “occupation” of Palestinian territory, according to reports.

In a charity concert held in Madrid’s La Rivera hall, artists such as Ismael Serrano, Rozalén, Conchita, Pedro Guerra and Marwan gathered to show their support for the Palestinian people and specifically for the “refugees who live in the largest prison in the world “, the territories of Gaza and the West Bank.

For nearly two hours, the renowned Spanish artists took the venue’s stage to offer a couple of songs each before a committed audience that filled the space and accompanied the singers with their lyrics.

As denounced by the director of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) in Spain, Raquel Martí, today marked the “75th anniversary of Nakba (disaster)” as the outbreak of this conflict and the subsequent exodus of the Palestinian population are known. .

Martí recalled that the Palestinian population “is the oldest refugee population” and regretted that of the more than 700,000 refugees caused by the start of the war, today there are more than seven and a half million Palestinians “who have been born, lived and died” as refugees. .

“Every day is a nakba, every day there are demolitions of homes, arrests… there are 4,000 political prisoners in Israeli jails, 200 children detained without charge, simply because they are Palestinians,” the Spanish said.

Along these lines, the head of UNRWA Spain recalled that this agency was created in 1949 with a “three-year” mandate that has been extended to the present.

“75 years have passed and not only have they not returned to their homes, but it continues to be a very difficult situation for them,” he stressed.

Thus, he insisted on the role of accompaniment and humanitarian support of this agency to the Palestinian people, as well as that the bombardments of the Palestinian territories “do not stop.”

“Recently they bombed Gaza again, the largest prison in the world, we accompany them, with education, health and above all with humanitarian aid, the nakba has not ended, it continues,” he snapped. EFE


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