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Spanish horror on Netflix with the movie “Phenomena”

recognized actresses like Belén Rueda, Toni Acosta and Gracia Olayo They are the Phenomena, part of the Carlos Therón film inspired by the Hepta Group can be seen on Netflix.

Fenómenas is a film that climbs positions within the Top 10 of Netflix, which comes from Spain and is based on facts that make up urban legends of the Iberian country.

It is highlighted that the priest José María Pilón Valero de Bernabéknown as Father Pilon, led the Hepta group that was dedicated to the investigation of paranormal events.

It was the year 1987 and these people discovered that inexplicable phenomena occurred both in the Vergara Palace and in the antique store called the Monk’s Trunk, which are now exposed, in this new Netflix movie.

A story based on real events

A story based on real events

Carlos Therón (It’s for your good) is the famous director of this Spanish film, who took all these events and made this film that is among the most watched on Netflix.

Belén Rueda (Los Ojos de Julia), Toni Acosta (Ladies of the underworld) and Gracia Olayo (Veneno) are the protagonists of this story who play Sagrario, Gloria and Paz, respectively, active members of the Hepta group, while Emilio Gutiérrez Caba gives life to Father Pilon.

It should be noted that in the plot each one of these women is dedicated to this for different reasons. Sagrario wants to be reunited with her husband who died a few years ago, Gloria has a special ability to communicate with spirits, while Paz, a grandmother who enjoys recording all these investigations.

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A mix of horror and fiction for Netflix

According to the director of Phenomena, he has revealed: “I really liked the idea that it centered around them. There were more people in the group, but this female trio was very strong”.

In addition, Therón explained: “I was trained with eighties terror, which was more playful than the current one, and I wanted to recover that playful and playful aspect of the genre.”

It is clearly described as a movie that mixes humor with science fiction and horror and it works wonderfully thanks to the three leading actresses.

It should be noted that this Netflix movie entitled Phenomena has a duration of 1 hour and 37 minutes and is attractive due to its theme, since in all places these types of paranormal stories are known that do not have a logical or scientific explanation and that are part of of the imaginary of each society.

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