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Spanish tourist surprised with the education of Peruvians: “Everyone says hello, thanks”

A recent video shared on Tiktok has surprised users due to a fact that a young Spanish tourist experienced upon arriving in Peru.

Due to culture, tradition and historical legacy, the Peru It is one of the favorite destinations for Travellers from all over the world. Arriving in the national territory can become a unforgetable experiencesince in all regions, and in every corner, surprising stories are found as part of the legacy of our ancestors.

Recently, a foreigner shared a video on tiktokwhich was done quickly viralwhere he mentions the first impressions he had of the Peruvians upon landing in the capital. His statements generated a series of comments, from compatriots and visitors.

Gonzalo Sans it’s a spanish tourist and content creator who shows his experiences while tour america. One of the destinations he is visiting is Peru, considered one of the epicenters of the best gastronomy in the world.

In tiktok posted a video, which he titled “Discovering Peru, impressions of the Peruvians”. In the recording, he is heard mentioning something that pleasantly caught his attention, and that he has not seen in other places he has traveled.

“One thing that is drawing my attention from Peruvians is education. How everyone greets, says thank you. Please, it is an education that I have not seen in any country, ”she mentioned.

Gonzalo Sans shares his experience in Peru through curious data that he is recording during his visit.

Sans also specified that this confirmed something that he had previously experienced with Peruvians living abroad. “It has caught my attention a lot because it is that Absolutely all the people I see from Peru are like that. In other words, I had seen it outside the country, but here it is still much more”.

He video went viral immediately, with more than 40,000 reproductions, causing a large number of Peruvians and foreigners to speak out in the comments section to give their opinion on what the Spanish tourist.

“They are magic words. They teach us from childhood”, “I am Argentine, and yes, they are really divine, really, very cordial”, “In the provinces we are much friendlier and kinder (cordial). We like to practice magic words”, “Thank you for highlighting the positive things about my country and its people, you are always welcome”, “I live in a rural area, and when you meet a strange person on the street, you greet them, if they don’t feel strange”were some of the messages that Gonzalo was left.

On the other hand, there were also some reactions indicating that a lot depended on the person, not so much on the place where they lived. They also advised him that, despite this kindness, not all areas of Lima and provinces they are safe, so you should be very vigilant.

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