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Specialist in digital doubles, the startup Unikbase raises 2 million euros

This fundraising will enable it to meet the demand of the various players and start operations on a real scale.

“We are going to make digital duplicates for all the physical objects around us”, announces Etienne Hermite, co-founder of Unikbase, guest on the Tech&Co set. His company is dedicated to the creation of digital doubles for collectibles such as works of art, collectibles or leather goods.

“The analogy with industry is quite relevant, we have already started to make digital duplicates of infrastructures, factories, in particular for maintenance”, he underlines. The company intends to bring physical objects “into the digital world to realize their potential”.

For example, a consumer who wishes to buy a piece of furniture that costs a certain price, will be able at the time of purchase, to choose to obtain the digital duplicate of the piece of furniture. He will thus receive the furniture but also the digital double.

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This unique twin is intended to remain with the physical object, it is intimately associated with it. Once the link has been established, the merchant adds the invoice, the certificates of authenticity which will be encapsulated in a digital token itself attached to the blockchain.

“This system makes it possible to make the information inviolable and to increase confidence in the object”, continues Etienne Hermite. The day the buyer wants to resell his physical piece of furniture, the information of the digital duplicate will be available.

The start-up has just raised two million euros. “We have developed a first version of the solution with the ability to mark objects and create digital duplicates. The money will be used to meet the demand of the various actors we are addressing and to start operations on a real scale”, develops the co-founder.

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