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Spirit Airlines sends a boy who was traveling alone on the wrong flight

Spirit Airlines sends a boy who was traveling alone on the wrong flight

MIAMI.- Spirit Airlines moved by mistake to a six year old boy who was traveling unaccompanied to the wrong destination, hundreds of miles away, during peak holiday seasons.

Through a statement, sent by the airline’s media manager, Michael Lopardia WINK Newsthe agency explained that originally the child was traveling from Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniato the city of Fort Myersin Florida, but due to it was “incorrectly addressed” on a flight to Orlando.

The child was always under the care and supervision of a member of the Spirit team and as soon as we discovered the error, we took immediate steps to communicate with the family and reconnect them,” says the document, in which they extend their apologies to those involved for this unfortunate experience.

A terrifying moment

María Ramos, grandmother of six-year-old Casper, explained to the television station that it was the first time the minor had traveled by plane and she was extremely excited to bring him to southwest Florida.

“They told me, ‘No, he’s not on this flight. He missed his flight.’ I told: ‘No, I couldn’t miss your flight because I have the check-in sticker’“said Ramos, remembering what he describes as “one of the scariest things I have ever experienced”.

Ramos insisted to the flight attendant about the child and asked if he had been delivered to her in Philadelphia, to which the woman said no. Although his suitcase somehow made it to Southwest International Airport, Casper, who managed to contact his grandmother by phone to let her know that she had landed, was at Orlando International Airportfour hours away.

Demand answers from Spirit Airlines

María Ramos reported that Spirit Airlines offered to reimburse the trip, but that all she is asking for is answers. She wants to know how the little boy ended up in Orlando.

“I want you to call me. Let me know how my grandson ended up in Orlando. How did that happen? Did they take him off the plane? Did the flight attendant, after the mother gave him the documents, let him go alone? Did he get on the wrong plane by himself?,” she questioned.

Given this, the airline assured in its statement that it is carrying out internal investigations into what happened and reaffirmed the “seriousness” and “responsibility” with which it takes the safety of passengers when transporting them.

Source: With information from WINK News

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