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Spokesman: Navalny seriously ill – not ruling out poisoning

According to Jarmysh, an ambulance was called to Navalny on Friday after suffering from acute stomach pains.

“Nobody treats him and they don’t even tell him about the diagnosis. He has lost eight kilos in the last 15 days in the punishment cell,” writes Jarmysj.

She adds that there is a risk that Navalny has been poisoned in prison which “slowly but surely deteriorated his health”.

Continually moved to punishment cell

According to his spokesperson, he repeatedly goes into the prison’s punishment cell, and at short intervals.

“On Friday he was released from the punishment cell, but on Monday he was sent back there for the 13th time. One of the prison workers told Navalny that a provocation was being prepared against him,” writes Jarmysh.

Imprisoned in 2021

It was over two years ago that Navalny voluntarily returned to Russia and was arrested at passport control. Since then, he has spent the majority of his time incarcerated. There are reports that his health is constantly deteriorating and that he is being denied care.

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He has been described as the man Putin fears most. But who is Alexei Navalny? Photo: TT

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