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Squeezie: the number 1 youtuber in France announces his biggest project

In a press release, the youtubeur Squeezie announced that he was joining forces with two esports stars to found their own structure called Gentle Mates. A project full of ambition.

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“I am very happy to be able to announce ce project which we have been working on for several months.” France’s first YouTuber, Lucas Hauchard, better known as Squeezie, finally lifts the veil on the project that makes him so happy. Set up your own esport structure called Gentle Mates. A project he set up with two “pioneers of the genre in France, through the game Call of Duty: Corentin Houssein, alias Gotaga, and Kevin Georges, alias Brawks. Professional players since 2010. “Both accumulating several dozen national and European titles on their favorite game throughout their careers at the highest level, they are now writing a new page in their history with the creation of their own esport structure”can we read in a statement.

The project of a trio

“Longtime friend of the duo and video game enthusiast from the start, squeeze shared the same secret desire to create his own esports structure. It is therefore quite natural that he participated in the project from its origin and it is from the vision of the three men that Gentle Mates was born.continues the text. “Ensemble, Squeezie, Gotaga and Brawks aim to build an esports institutiongoverned by an innovative vision and supported by strong values ​​of loyalty, rigor and authenticity”, we learn. While the discipline fascinates millions of people, with Gentle Matesthe trio 2.0 counts open “a training center for young talents. These three talents who have succeeded in making an impression over time, without ever getting tired, have set themselves the mission of succeeding in making esport rhyme with durability.

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“To convey a positive image of esports and gaming”

“Partnering with two long-time friends to launch our own esports structure is the dream”, explains Squeezie. “Beyond the performance that will be central, we are also keen to help convey a positive image of esports and gaming while allowing its popularization with the general public. I would really like give the opportunity to those who are not from our culture or our generation to understand and adhere to this discipline, rejoices Squeezie in the press release. The text reveals that “for the launch of the structure, Gentle Mates supporters will have the opportunity to support two teams, on the games Fortnite (Epic Games) et Valuing (Riot Games)”.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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