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Stalker 2: explosive new gameplay that promises to be heavy

Stalker 2 finally returns to us in a brand new particularly impressive gameplay trailer. Crazy atmosphere.

After being postponed many times, especially because of the terrible war that has been going on in Ukraine since February 2022, Stalker 2 finally gives us some news and promises us total immersion in the desolate lands surrounding Chernobyl.

Stalker 2 puts us in the spotlight

It’s been years since the series Stalker had not pointed the tip of his nose. After a successful first episode hailed by critics and players alike, the license was entitled to a few equally successful small supplements before disappearing. But that was before the announcement of Stalker 2.

As for the first episode, Stalker 2 Heart of Chernobyl will be an FPS mixing post-apocalyptic survival, action and a zest of RPG. We will once again be released around Chernobyl, in devastated lands where living crazy survivors, mutants and somewhat supernatural creatures.

The new trailer for this Stalker 2 speaks for itself and puts us in the bath from the outset. Threats are absolutely everywhere and you will have to be really careful where you step while exploring environments that promise to be as beautiful as they are dangerous. Fortunately, many characters will be there to lend us a hand, whether by giving us missions to earn resources, by supporting us during certain quests, or by offering us various equipment in the shop.

Besides that, our main mission will be to discover the secrets of the devastated area, the scene of many scientific experiments and other events bordering on the supernatural. It should also be noted that the staging seems to have made a serious leap forward. As a bonus, it is rather very pretty.

The game is still expected in 2023 on Xbox Series and PC and pre-orders are open again. Finally, note that the game will be available in day one in the Xbox Game Pass.

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