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STALKER 2: the exclusive Xbox finally returns to the charge and she is beautiful to cry

Game news STALKER 2: the exclusive Xbox finally returns to the charge and she is beautiful to cry

STALKER 2 is a long-standing project but unfortunately the situation is somewhat complicated for the GSC Game World studio which could not release the game on time for obvious reasons and which finally opted for a certain silence. Finally, the game resurfaces with a new gameplay trailer.

A pleasure to stalk

STALKER is a franchise that is now starting to date. The air of nothing, in the space of a few games in the 2000s, it has built up a solid and small community which is eagerly awaiting its sequel, STALKER 2: The Heart of Chornobyl, which was to be released in the month of April 2022 before being pushed back: it must be said that the geo-political events currently raging in Ukraine (the studio is based is kyiv) greatly complicates the situation.

While we hadn’t had any new images for months, pre-orders had been canceled and there was even talk of a release in several years, the developers are coming back to the charge for this brand new Xbox exclusive: a new gameplay trailer has just been released, which can be enjoyed in 4K below. The opportunity also to be reassured on one point: the game will be released next year.

An Xbox exclusive cut for the new generation

We already knew it, but GSC Game World has worked hard to offer graphics worthy of the name, which will also be based on the famous Unreal Engine 5. If you still doubted the technical quality of the game, we’ll let you (re)take a look at the trailer above, which promises a great experience on PC and Xbox Series (no other platform is planned).

The gameplay also allows you to quickly show off some cogs: frontal action of course, but also infiltration, or even human enemies and others… a little less down-to-earth. We can also see the inventory managementwhich will take an important place in the game design with some survival mechanics.

Announced in 2010 and despite a studio upset by the current war, STALKER 2 should therefore be released in 2023, without knowing when exactly. This new video comes in any case at the right time, recalling that the gestation continues its course and that the designers still have something on their hands. See you next year.

About STALKER 2: The Heart of Chornobyl

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