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Star Wars: Jedi Survivor: the story of the game revealed in a story trailer

When Fallen Order lands in 2019, many wonder if Respawn Entertainment is really the right studio to breathe new life into the Star Wars franchise. Finally, the success is there and a sequel is quickly started. Four years later, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor begins the last turn before its release with the release of its story trailer.

Cal Facing the Power of the Dark Side

What we did know until now is that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was set 5 years after Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The conclusion of the first installment left us with Cal and Cere escaping from the underwater base on planet Nur after a final confrontation with Trilla and their tumultuous encounter with Darth Vader. Returning to the Mantis, Cal then decided to destroy the Jedi holocron in order to prevent the Empire from killing the children listed in the database.

The following ? Many fans imagined it. To tell the truth, the first elements of answers were even given with the publication of the novel Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. Released on March 7, the book acts as a bridge between the two games and allows us to discover everything that has happened over the past 5 years.

In doing so, the players were therefore almost certain to find Cere Junda, Greez Dritus, Merrin or even our good old BD-1, the real question was in what state would they be?

The veil is now lifted, Electronic Arts has indeed released the story trailer of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor with an alternation between cutscenes in computer graphics and gameplay phases.

As a reminder, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be available from April 28 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC. The game will also be accompanied by a magnificent collector’s edition.

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