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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – We could meet these characters

The action-adventure Jedi: Survivor is set in the era of the Galactic Empire. Not only are Cal Kestis and the crew of the Mantis active during this time, other iconic Star Wars characters are also alive. Already in the first part Jedi: Fallen Order there were some well-known cameo appearances. Here’s a list of who Cal’s team could meet in their latest adventure. But be careful: There will be spoilers here about the Star Wars universe!

Nine years before Episode IV

Jedi: Survivor (buy now €69.99 ) is set five years after its predecessor, Jedi: Fallen Order, which in turn takes place five years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III. So a total of ten years have passed since the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire. The Jedi have largely been wiped out, the few survivors have gone into hiding or are on the run. Although the time of open rebellion has not yet arrived (after all, the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the First Death Star are still nine years away), a number of smaller networks are already stirring up turmoil in the Empire.

Source: Electronic Arts

Good and evil Force users

The first important character we might meet in Jedi: Survivor is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yoda gave the former Jedi the task of looking after Luke on the desert planet Tatooine while he was growing up with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. However, nine years before the Battle of Yavin (VSY) – exactly during Cal’s second adventure – Leia, Luke’s sister, is kidnapped.

On his adventure to rescue the young daughter of his former student Anakin Skywalker, not only is Darth Vader himself hot on his heels, but also the Grand Inquisitor and the Third Sister Reva. But Kenobi can also count on allies. While receiving help from double agent Tala Durith, he learns that his former fellow Jedi, Quinlan Vos, is helping the Path hide Force-sensitive individuals from the Empire.

Source: Electronic Arts

On the one hand, it’s possible that Obi-Wan made another detour besides rescuing Leia. On the other hand, Cal could also come into contact with the path around Quinlan. In this case, it would also be a good idea to let one or the other Inquisitor appear, since they have been specially trained to hunt down Jedi. And, of course, Lord Vader himself could also appear. After all, he made his first major appearance in the Jedi series at the end of Jedi: Fallen Order.

Smugglers and the criminal underworld

Another well-known Force user roaming the far reaches of the galaxy during the second adventure of the Mantid is the Sith Lord Maul. We already learned in the animated series The Clone Wars that Darth Sidious’ former student did not die after his fight against Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in Episode I. After becoming the leader of all of Mandalore by killing Pre Vizsla, the Sith only finds his final death 2 BSY in a second duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine.

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