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Starfield: the release date is becoming clearer, it’s coming very very quickly

Bethesda reassures us, Starfield will arrive well this year, even much faster than one might have thought. Ready to start?

Highly anticipated, Starfield is undoubtedly the biggest Microsoft exclusive to come with Redfall, Arkane’s cooperative FPS. The intergalactic open world should indeed see the light of day on Xbox Series and PC this year, and Bethesda tells us that the game will be released faster than we could imagine.

Starfield is coming faster than expected

While we might have thought that Starfield would be released by the end of the year, it’s not, the game is coming much faster than expected and it’s on the support page of Starfield that the information has just leaked. Taking a look at the FAQ, one can indeed find a question regarding the release date of the game. Question to which Bethesda answers that Starfield will be available from the first half of 2023. That way, it’s clear. The exact date could also be announced shortly since rumors suggest that Microsoft could prepare a big event in the coming weeks.


Bethesda’s most ambitious game

Yes, it’s confirmed. Starfield will be out later this summer. Great news for fans eagerly awaiting what promises to be Bethesda’s biggest game to date, just that.

We are promised an almost limitless open world, hundreds of planets to visit, a story with multiple choices and branches as well as a good dose of RPG. As a bonus, it will be possible to build your own ship, take care of its crew and even build a base on dry land to harvest precious resources.

Recently, Will Shen, Lead Quest Designer, even revealed that Starfield would opt for a system of side quests and events that will work organically. Understand by this that it will be possible to meet new NPCs even in places already visited, in a perfectly natural way, and it will thus be possible to help them if necessary. Yes, this functionality has been around for ages, but now it needs to be scaled to an entire galactic system comprising hundreds of different worlds. Seen from here, it promises.

Travel companions will also be present and can even be ordered to, for example, chat with certain NPCs in our place so that we can take advantage of their talents. An entire program.

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