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Starfield: towards a catastrophic launch at Cyberpunk 2077?

Recent rumors hinted at a Starfield release this summer. Still, Bethesda would still like to push the game back, but Microsoft would push.

Starfield continues to spill a lot of ink. Bethesda’s most ambitious RPG to date is among this year’s most anticipated titles. Postponed to an indefinite date, the game should nevertheless not land in the hands of players for many months. And if he arrives sooner than expected, he would be in a sorry state according to a recent rumor. Should we expect the same catastrophic launch as Cyberpunk 2077?

A complicated exit for Starfield?

The lack of communication around Starfield continues to worry players. The last noises from the corridors are not likely to reassure them. According to leaker Resetera which leaked the immediate release of Hi-Fi Rush on the Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft is running into some internal difficulties. Azure technology would indeed have made him lose a lot of money, and the Redmond firm would seek by all means to compensate for its losses. This would result in pressure from Xbox side to release Starfield before the end of the current fiscal year, which is June 2023.

Redfall will be released first. It’s still in poor condition and probably needs more quality control, but it’s still in better condition than Starfield. explains this same source. Internally, Bethesda is reportedly calling for more time to polish the game with a fall 2023 release at the latest in mind. However, Microsoft could request that the RPG be released earlier. ” If Starfield Releases In June, Expect It To Be In Bad Condition “says the leaker.

The creators of Skyrim wanted to restore its image by offering a less buggy game than usual, but it could be that the Redmond firm does not give it this chance. The community of modders in any case, has been preparing for a long time to correct all the problems of the Xbox exclusive as soon as it is released. According to the latest rumors from a source with good information about the developer, Starfield could indeed still be released by this summer, which is July or August at the latest. To be continued…

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