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Starliner takes off on June 5 from Florida on its journey to the Space Station

Starliner takes off on June 5 from Florida on its journey to the Space Station

MIAMI.- Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally ready for a new launch attempt on Wednesday, June 5, from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The original launch, scheduled for June 2, was postponed due to a fuel leak detected in the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket, which powers the spacecraft.

The ascent, the first manned of the spacecraft, was automatically interrupted by a ground launch sequencer (GLS) computer just three minutes and 50 seconds after liftoff.

After a thorough review, the green light has been given for this new attempt, those in charge of the program announced.

This will be the first time Boeing has sent a crew to the International Space Station (ISS) since 2020, when an uncrewed test launch experienced errors.

Space mission details

The mission will take the Starliner spacecraft to the ISS with two NASA astronauts, demonstrating Boeing’s ability to safely and reliably transport astronauts.

The Starliner spacecraft will dock with the Harmony module of the International Space Station (ISS) on Monday at 7:50 p.m., beginning a mission of approximately one week.

After its stay on the ISS, the reusable capsule will return to Earth, landing with the help of parachutes and airbags in the southwestern United States.

During the mission, Starliner’s hardware and software will be extensively tested to ensure its safety on future missions.

This capsule, designed for up to ten trips, will now carry four astronauts or a combination of crew and cargo for NASA missions in low Earth orbit.

Both NASA and Boeing say they are looking forward to this launch and have stated that all necessary measures will be taken to ensure a safe and successful flight.

The world will be attentive to the takeoff of the Starliner spacecraft, which would mark a new milestone in space exploration.

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