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Starting this Saturday, NYC beaches open

Starting this Saturday, NYC beaches open

Oscar León arrived early at Rockaway Beach. His two children and his wife walked quickly so as not to waste a second of sun and sand, since they still cannot go into the sea since there are still no lifeguards present.

“It is really important to have the lifeguards on site, because since we have some oversights because we are sharing with a family member, suddenly the children get lost in the crowd,” said León. “So good control is really important. I think it’s fabulous.”

-However, you say that we should all take care of ourselves?

“Of course. We should all be aware.”

The authorities recommend the same, in addition to other advice.

“We want the community to know that the lifeguards are here to also watch over the public that is on our beaches. But the importance is that the public obeys the rules that the lifeguards have,” said Iris Rodríguez, deputy commissioner of parks, NYC.

Rules such as red notices that prohibit going into the sea in places that do not have the presence of lifeguards.

However, for this weekend of May 25, both the Rockaway beaches and all those in New York City will have lifeguards present from 10 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon. In order to avoid accidents and in the worst case drowning. Last year two people lost their lives on this beach.

“We are always looking for people who are interested in being lifeguards. We are going to put the lifeguards in the appropriate chairs throughout the beach,” Rodríguez added.

Lifeguard recruitment began earlier this year and they will continue to recruit more interested in the job of looking out for beachgoers until the Fourth of July weekend. Which is good news for Adriana Loaiza.

“They are young boys, above all. Very attentive to the children, above all. Of course the older ones are also irresponsible then. But it helps a lot. The lifeguards are super important,” said Adriana.

-Do they hire more?

“Man, let there be more than everything at hand in every part”

This year the salary of lifeguards has been increased by $24 an hour, and those who resume employment will receive $1,000 as a bonus.


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