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Starting today, you can use one WhatsApp account on up to four phones

WhatsApp is expanding the possibility of using it on multiple devices. From today it is possible for the first time to log in with one account on up to four smartphones. It will be a few weeks before everyone can really use this function.

WhatsApp allows use on multiple smartphones

It took quite a while before WhatsApp could be used independently of the main device. The implementation for the browser came with WhatsApp-Web, and years later simultaneous registration on tablets and desktop apps was also made possible. Now WhatsApp is taking the next step and removing the device restrictions on smartphones. Like Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg communicates“starting today” you can log in to up to four phones with the same WhatsApp account.

The immediacy that the meta boss suggests here will probably only apply to a few users. And the developers also choose a more cautious wording in the official post for the announcement, which indicates a usual rollout in waves. The update will be distributed to users worldwide “in the coming weeks” and then “be available for everyone.” Meta also envisions the use of the function in companies that support customers via the platform. Multiple employees can access the same WhatsApp Business account directly from their phones.

Four phones always in sync

As the developers emphasize, the new devices are linked using the usual example of browsers, tablets and desktops via QR code. Each new smartphone establishes its own connection to WhatsApp, and as always, the makers ensure end-to-end encryption of all messages, media and calls.

The first smartphone is defined as the primary device, the other phones as “companion phones”. It can be used on the linked devices even if the primary phone is not online. However, 14 days after the last use, all other links are logged off.

  • WhatsApp now allows you to register on up to four smartphones with one account.
  • Rollout will be in waves, available to all users over the coming weeks.
  • Linking the devices via QR code, end-to-end encryption.
  • Primary device is defined, all links are logged off after 14 days of inactivity.
  • Can also be used by companies for customer service.

See also:

App, messenger, whatsapp, multi messenger, shortcut

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