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Starving content, no players on the servers… The biggest disappointments of 2022

Game News Starving content, no players on the servers… The biggest disappointments of 2022

At the end of the year, it’s the perfect time for retrospectives. While there have been plenty of great surprises in 2022, players have also had some disappointments. Unfortunately, all the most anticipated titles are not necessarily as pleasant as we hoped. Note, however, that these games are not necessarily bad. Here is a small anthology of disappointments this year!

Let’s start our pick of 2022’s disappointments with The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me. This horror narrative game is being developed by the studio behind Until Dawn and The Quarry. Unfortunately, this title, because it is quite long to start, has annoyed many players who were used to the genre. The lip-sync is far from perfect, and some untranslated voiceovers clearly took players out of the immersion. The disappointment is all the more present because this title has good aspects such as its horrifying atmosphere.

Probably one of the biggest disappointments of 2022: the reboot of Saints Row. The graphics are dated and many bugs can be seen, the storyline is bland and lacks any thrilling elements, the AI ​​is poor, and the gameplay is stiff. Fans of previous opuses, but also players who had never touched the saga, did not hide their disappointment. Although it has positive elements, Saints Row does not innovatewhich is a shame for a reboot.

It started very badly in 2018 with his announcement at BlizzCon which had extremely negative feedback. Fans of the license didn’t want a mobile game while they were waiting for Diablo IV. Once Diablo Immortal released, the disappointment is immense. Although it’s a pretty good hack & slash with nice graphics for mobile, the monetization is all over the place. Many qualify this title as “pay to win”, in other words, you have to pay to advance in the game correctly. Even though the game is free, players have to shell out money to, for example, get better loot.

We have to make it clear right away: Callisto Protocol is not a bad game, on the contrary! Nevertheless, some players expected much more from this title which had the potential to surpass Dead Space. The heaviness of the character, the scenario which could have been a little more surprising, a very limited inventory, poorly optimized on PC, these are some negative elements which would have made the title much more captivating if they were not present. We go to nothing of an excellent game which remains, remember, very pleasant.

What was supposed to be the “Rocket League” with Ubisoft-style rollerblades, was not unanimous at all. This title was considered too bland, the AI ​​is far from correct and the game becomes repetitive quickly. However, keep in mind that this is a free-to-play game that remains fun and offers refreshing gameplay.

We end our selection with a resounding failure, that of Babylon’s Fall. The title from Platinum Games and Square Enix has a lot of flaws: the graphics are dated, linear as possible, cameras that go in all directions and a very high difficulty, as if the game was not made to be played solo . This game does not sell so much that it is destroyed in store.

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