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State DIF benefits citizens with prostheses

Juarez City.- The State DIF Rehabilitation Directorate delivered two prostheses and one orthosis to beneficiaries in Ciudad Juárez, this in response to requests made to the prosthesis workshop of the Integral and Physical Rehabilitation Center (CRIF).

According to a press release sent by the state government, the general director of the State DIF, Gabriel Eguiarte Fruns; together with the director of rehabilitation, Hiram Mendoza Rodríguez; The State DIF liaison in Ciudad Juárez, Cecilia Andrade and the team of prosthetists and orthotists, delivered mobility devices to their applicants.

Gabriel Eguiarte said that the State DIF works so that all people who need provisional, permanent, partial or total support for displacement have a wheelchair, a cane, a walker, a prosthesis, an orthosis and improve their quality of life. life.

He urged those present to disseminate the services offered by the State DIF through the Physical Rehabilitation Center, where physical therapists and rehabilitators will provide support to anyone who requests it in any situation that requires the intervention of CRIF professionals prior to completion and result of socioeconomic study.

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