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State of Rio has an increase in the number of cases of dengue

The State Department of Health (SES-RJ), through the Sub-Secretary for Surveillance and Primary Health Care, reported this Tuesday (28) that the number of notifications of probable cases of dengue in the state of Rio is above what it was expected for the moment, but it did not exceed the limit that can be considered an epidemic.

By March 25 (12th epidemiological week of 2023), the state had registered 8,823 probable cases of dengue this year and one confirmed death. In the state, serotypes 1 and 2 of the dengue virus were identified, with a predominance, so far, of the first. In 2022, in the same period, 1,283 cases were registered. Last year, serotypes 1 and 2 of the dengue virus were identified.

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“There was an increase in the number of cases compared to previous years, which had a very low number of notifications due to the covid-19 pandemic. The SES warns that, historically, the highest incidence of dengue cases in Rio de Janeiro occurs between the months of March and April”, says the note.

The folder stated that it continues to monitor the situation, acting in a preventive and complementary way to the municipalities in order to avoid the worsening of the epidemiological situation in the state, supporting the containment measures established in the contingency plans.

SES-RJ reported that it monitors notified cases and the viral circulation of dengue, chikungunya and zika on a weekly basis, carries out complementary action with smoke trucks in municipalities, when indicated, and distributes insecticide to municipalities. In addition, it conducts training in mosquito control actions and care for patients with dengue and other arboviruses for doctors and nurses at urgent and emergency health units, and produces and disseminates campaigns on protection and prevention, among other measures.

In addition to the actions foreseen in the contingency plan to face urban arboviruses, SES-RJ established a partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) to improve the monitoring of mosquito infestation Aedes aegypti from the installation of traps called ovitraps, which attract mosquito females, making monitoring of the environment more sensitive. Initially, ten municipalities were selected: Macuco, Vassouras, Volta Redonda, Itaboraí, Nova Iguaçu, Itaguaí, Campos dos Goytacazes, Itaperuna, Cabo Frio and Saquarema.

SES-RJ asks the population to collaborate in reducing the proliferation of the mosquito that transmits dengue, chikungunya and zika, by checking their homes for ten minutes a week to eliminate breeding sites.

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Rio de Janeiro
Aedes Aegypti
State Department of Health of Rio de Janeiro

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