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Statistics on drug deaths: We need less, not more drugs!

The latest figures on drug-related deaths are an alarm signal. Cannabis legalization only makes the problem bigger.

The drug commissioner’s latest statistic is a red flag. Nine percent more drug deaths in 2022 is a staggeringly high increase that forces action.

It is correct when the federal drug commissioner calls for more funds for addiction counseling. But addiction counseling rolls up the problem from behind. Namely when it has already arisen. It would also be correct to ask how the liberalization of drugs would affect this fateful development. And whether a more of the gateway drug Cannabis increases the use of harder drugs.

Consequences of cannabis use cannot be ignored

The traffic light planned legalization of cannabis will definitely bring more drugs into circulation, that’s a fact. Even if the levy with age limits is regulated, control is difficult. Those who can buy drugs more easily can also pass them on to young people more easily. And with her, cannabis can wreak havoc.

During brain development, cannabis use is dangerous and can reduce performance. In addition, cannabis addiction is one Illness, for which more and more young people are requiring treatment. Consumption multiplies the risk of developing psychosis, depression or bipolar disorder. The evidence for this is clear.

A coalition agreement is a statement of intent and not law. If Germany has a growing drug problem, the government should react and rigorously examine the plan for further legalization in a new light. You certainly don’t have to be a doctor to realize that the more drugs available on the market make the problem bigger, not smaller.

Also read: New study – This is what happens when cannabis is legalized

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