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Statue in honor of Martin Luther King causes a stir in networks

Statue in honor of Martin Luther King causes a stir in networks

Today January 15 marks the 94th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther Kingone of the key social activists for the history of the United States and for civil rights and Afro-descendant society.

Therefore, on the occasion of celebrating this event, on Sunday a sculpture in his honor was inaugurated in Bostonwhich recreates the hug that MLK gave his wife, Coretta Scott King, when he learned that she had won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

However the peculiar design of the workmade of bronze, six meters high and which cost about 10 million dollars, has caused the netizens raise an eyebrow questioning the intention of the artist.

It seems that it is loading a p…

The sculpture cost a total of 10 million dollars.

This work was designed by Hank Willis Thomas, in which seeks to represent the arms of the protagonistsbut without heads, and the point is that from some perspectives, the composition seems to represent other things.

Because of this, the social networks are filled with memes in which Internet users leave no room for doubt: “Somehow, the artist has managed to make, from different angles, look like a) a guy eating a v….ab) hands trying to hold a huge p… “

Other users pointed out that it is “probably the most obscene piece of public art in all of America“I was going to be generous and say it looked like someone showing off the potato that won first prize at the county fair,” another tweeter humorously noted.

I think it looks more like a huge poopbut I guess it fits well,” says another, while another argues: “Couldn’t they just make a small scale statue of them hugging? You clearly know who is who and what is going on, and you don’t have to dismember body parts and enlarge them.”

It may interest you: They pay tribute in memory of Luther King in the United States

Who was Martin Luther King?

From a certain perspective the statue can represent other things

Born in 1929 in Atlanta, King experienced discrimination from an early age for being African-American. He focused his studies in schools in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and in Massachusetts he earned his doctorate in theology.

Martin Luther King became a pastor in Alabama, to later lead different protests in the region for acts such as racial segregation on buses, which began to promote him in his career as a social fighter. His influence was a key piece in the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on sex or race. In addition, he received the Nobel Peace Prize.

The social fighter was assassinated on April 4, 1958, Martin Luther King shot to death while he was on the balcony of a hotel in the city of Memphis, Tennessee. Posthumously, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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