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Steam Review 2022 reveals every little detail of your gaming behavior

It’s time to look back. Back to a hopefully successful gaming year 2022 for you. That’s why you can now see a summary of all your games and achievements on Steam.

Probably the most detailed review of the year

In the Steam Retrospective, you can not only see how much time you’ve put into each game and how much emphasis you’ve placed on new releases, but also the achievements you’ve unlocked in those titles. You’ll also see your favorite genres, as well as a breakdown of your playtime by month, showing each game you’ve played and its percentage.

Overall, the review is very detailed and you can scroll through it for a few minutes. You can also share your own personal review. You can choose whether you don’t want to share it at all, just share it with friends, or share it with everyone.

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To see your gaming year on Steam for yourself, all you have to do is open Steam and a pop-up window with the replay should appear right away. Alternatively, you can also click on the in the browser replay page go and log in. Incidentally, the data for this was collected from January 1st to December 14th. So everything you played before or after is not included in the statistics.

On average, players played five different titles on Steam and unlocked around 21 achievements. The average streak of consecutive days you’ve logged into Steam is nine days. Okay, so I’m easily above average, but I also have the nasty advantage of playing games every day.

I played Lost Ark and Destiny 2 the most on Steam this year. Surprisingly, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel third place, I didn’t expect that. I even preferred to play completely different titles, but they made up a significantly smaller percentage of my playing time.

What about with you?

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