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Steam: top 5 games to watch in April 2023

It’s time for us to introduce you to 5 Steam games coming out in April 2023 that are likely to be a hit.

On Steam it’s sometimes a real fair when it comes to releases. And besides the big AAAs of the moment like the recent port of The Last of Us, Valve’s platform is also an opportunity to discover less ambitious games that are worth keeping an eye on. Either thanks to their specific mechanics or simply for the subject they address. Based on this premise, here are 5 games to watch closely on Steam in April 2023.

Survival: Fountain of Youth, a survival game at the Conquistadors

Survival : Fountain of Youth follows the long tradition of survival games in the image of a Sons of the Forest but wishes to innovate in particular in its context and its history. Indeed within it you play as a member of the crew of Juan Ponce de León, the famous conquistador who undertook the search for the Fountain of Youth. After a shipwreck, you will have to survive on a desert island in the Bahamas Archipelago. Obviously for this you will have to build a shelter, create tools or even defend yourself against predators. The objective is to go in search of your companions in misfortune and to unravel the mysteries of an ancient civilization.

The title notably offers more than 30 different species to hunt, each with a unique environment and behaviors. What’s more Survival : Fountain of Youth promises to be able to explore up to 15 unique islands to try to unlock the secret of the Fountain of Youth. The title will be available in early access on April 19, 2023 on Steam.

Bramble: The Mountain King, a horror adventure game set in Scandinavian folklore

Two rooms two atmospheres. This time we are interested in a horror adventure game: Bramble : The Mountain King. This one takes place in the middle of Scandinavia and immerses you in Nordic folklore to extract the most frightening. You play as Olle, a young boy who seeks to save his sister from the clutches of a terrifying troll. And as much to say that here we are far from the enchanting creatures of Disney. The game is populated by monsters of all sizes who are all after you. Special mention to the creepy woman coming out of the water in the trailer below.

Magical forests, abandoned cabin in the woods, solitary assembly… The game promises to be very heavy for lovers of exploration and for those who want to scare themselves with horror different from what we have used to seeing. Here we are far from a Resident Evil or one Dead Space. We are on a more poetic and dreamlike game and really very rooted in Icelandic history. The game will be available in Early Access on 27 avril 2023 on Steam.

Ash of Gods: The Way, a sweet tactical mix in the Nordic universe

We stay in the Nordic universe but this time we leave horror and adventure to turn to strategy and tactics with Ash of Gods : The Waysequel to the 2018 game. You play as Finn (nothing to do with Star Wars) a young man whose only hope of stopping a neighboring nation from attacking his home is to use a strange deck of cards. The game also takes up the basics of this type of leisure with a system of warrior decks and many tactical possibilities.

As you can see in the trailer below, Ash of Gods : The Way also borrows from the game of chess with a system of boxes to respect during the fight. We advance our men like pawns and each movement must be carefully considered. The icing on the cake is also artistically very beautiful with hand-drawn graphics. The game is scheduled for April 27, 2023 in final version on Steam.

Live a live, a beautiful J-RPG

Change of scenery and this time we focus on Live a live, the J-RPG returns from the dead (more precisely from the Super Famicom) to land on Steam with sublime 2D HD graphics. Remake of the original, the title is the opportunity to lead 7 heroes and cross the ages. Prehistory, Imperial China, Far West, End of the Edo Era, present, near future and distant future. In addition to HD graphics, this new edition of Live a Live allows you to enjoy music remastered under the supervision of composer Yoko Shimomura.

This is necessarily the most important aspect of the game for a remake, but it must be admitted. The game is quite sumptuous and you just have to admire the video below to be convinced. There is not only Final Fantasy in life and Live a Live deserves a little love. The game will also be available on 27 avril 2023 on Steam.

Pan’orama, the Steam chill game of the month to relax

Finally we end our selection with panorama, the ultimate chill game. The title is described by its creators as a puzzle game in which you have to place squares and tiles to create panoramas full of softness and beauty. More precisely, your objective is to score as many points as possible by connecting pieces of land to each other to create a larger environment. You collect points by placing the colored tiles to create ever-changing biomes. At the very end we have the impression of having created a canvas. We find a little of the charm of Monument Valley.

Filling lakes, erecting forests and mountains, building a village… The game wants to leave plenty of room for your imagination and your imagination is really at the heart of the gameplay. The game also offers different biomes to take your mind on a journey. This fun little game will also be available on 27 avril 2023 on Steam.

The 5 games of the month on Steam

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