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Steam: Your personal year in review 2022

Numerous services now offer a year in review that lets you see exactly how you’ve spent your time. Want to know how long you’ve been browsing Reddit or what song you’ve been listening to on Spotify the most? Thanks to the annual review, this is absolutely no problem. Many users enjoy these interesting statistics, and now Steam users can also see which games they spent the year playing.

Which Steam games accompanied you in 2022?

Steam Replay 2022 shows you exactly how many games you played in 2022, which ones took the most time, how many achievements you collected, and much, much more. The Steam Replay also lists which months were particularly gaming intensive for you and you can even compare your numbers with the average on Steam. The average number of games played is probably just five video games in 2022. How Valve came up with these numbers is of course not known, but inactive accounts may also be included in the statistics, and there are certainly some Steam accounts who only play a single title like CS:GO.

You can find your Steam Replay on the main page of the Steam shop. Here you only have to scroll a little until you see the banner for Steam Replay 2022. Alternatively, you can simply click this link, which takes you directly to your personal Steam Replay. You can also share this with the entire world, or just with your chosen friends. The share option also provides a few pre-made screenshots that you can share straight to your favorite social media platforms.

The Steam Replay doesn’t show how many hours you’ve spent in total or in individual titles, but maybe it’s just as well that Valve withholds this information. For myself, 45 percent of the games I spent 2022 with were released that year, which kind of makes sense. What about with you? Did one particular game take up your entire year, or were you able to beat the average on Steam by dozens of titles?

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