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STEP 2023: unforeseen triumphs and defeats in the main municipalities of the Buenos Aires suburbs

STEP 2023: unforeseen triumphs and defeats in the main municipalities of the Buenos Aires suburbs
Tweet by Malena Galmarini acknowledging her defeat within the ruling party
Macarena Posse and Ramón Lanús, the pre-candidates for the Juntos por el Cambio internship in San Isidro
Macarena Posse’s Tweet in which she acknowledges her opponent’s victory in the inmate and Juntos
Gustavo Menéndez in an act with Sergio Massa in Merlo, together with Axel Kicillof and Verónica Magario
Peronism obtained its lowest percentage in an election since the return of democracy
Results of the PASO 2023: how the political map of Argentina was after the surprise triumph of Javier Milei
Milei could consolidate a block with 40 seats in Deputies, decisive for the negotiation of the new laws
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