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Steve Jobs and the recommendation he gave to an Apple user in Venezuela

This year will mark the 12th anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs, and his legacy takes on greater dimensions with the passage of time. The publication of a new book about his life sheds new light with anecdotes that show how the father of Apple He was attentive to all the details.

The book is titled Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words (Do something wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words, would be the translation), and collect speeches, interviews and correspondence of the character.

It has a foreword written by his widow, Laurene Powell Jobs.

One of the documents that can be read in the book is how Steve Jobs responded to an Apple user in Venezuela, after he wrote to him asking for insights on the use of the iPod.

The event occurred in 2005, and although it could have gone unnoticed due to the minor importance of the problem, the editors of the Steve Jobs Archive decided to include it in the book.

The intention is to show that the father of Apple he could take a few minutes of his time to answer the most basic question.

The editors blacked out the name of the person in Venezuela who wrote to Jobs, to protect their privacy. This person wrote the email on July 27, 2005, at 11:16 p.m.

The exchange of emails between an Apple user in Venezuela and Steve Jobs

“My father has an iPod, and recently (1-2 days ago) he was charging it. So the next morning when we checked, Couldn’t turn it on.” relates the user.

“He thought that the ipod had ‘died’.

“We live in Venezuela and we want to know where we can fix the iPod. I think it is still in the warranty period, because we bought it 11 months ago,” the person continues. “We would like to know what to do, if there is any Apple authorized store here in Caracas, Venezuela, to take the ipod to be checked”.

The person concluded his email with a famous phrase from Steve Jobs: “Stay hungry. Stay silly”, which sums up his thirst for knowledge.

Steve Jobs responded a few hours later, on July 28 at 7:19 in the morning.

“Please reset the iPod by pressing the center button and the menu button at the same time for at least 5 seconds. This should work. Steve”, was the short, but helpful reply.

Thus, as one of the company’s technicians, Steve Jobs helped solve (we imagine that was the case, but at least he took the time to respond) a problem of an Apple user in Venezuela.

Next, we leave you both the person’s email and Steve Jobs’ response. In addition, we recommend read the new book (it’s in english) about the life of Apple’s father.

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