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Still haven’t made your 2023 annual statement? These are the new changes of the SAT

Still haven’t made your 2023 annual statement? These are the new changes of the SAT. Photo:

The annual declaration for moral persons It is a few days away from being able to be carried out and it will have a deadline of March 31, so you still have time to adjust to the new changes that the SAT will implement in the tax obligations of taxpayers, it is very easy!

In The Truth News We remind you that this obligation applies to all Mexicans and it is a very simple procedure that your accountant can do and although he can guide you on how to make the annual statement on your own, there are several nuances that will surely confuse you, so leaving it in their hands is the best way to avoid misunderstandings.

Previously, we revealed how to request the tax information of your employees, but now we tell you that if you want to contact an advisor from the institution, find in this link, several sections by topic to ask a question or call to the number 55 627 22 728 if your case requires urgent attention.

What are the changes of the SAT for the annual declaration?

Woman smiling. Photo:

These modifications in the tax returnwere added in the Fiscal Miscellaneous 2023, among which, it is requested that the nominal income report must be complemented with the tax profit in the alienation or assignment of portfolio, bare ownership, usufruct and gain from derivative operations referred to an exchange rate .

Regarding the authorized deductions, special duty payments on, tolls, penalties, mining, investments and technological development must be mentioned, in addition to a list of asset groups and subgroups for research and development expenses including period expenditures. pre-operatives.

In addition, you will also be asked for the statement of results, cash flow, statement of financial position and changes in stockholders’ equity, all in accordance with the Financial Information standards (NIF), and also the tax-reconciliation, will include terms as “provisions”, “results from valuation at fair value” instead of “Others” in the “ISR” section.

It may interest you: Do you still not have your SAT appointment? Check here the availability.

How to make an appointment in the SAT 2023?

To request your appointment, you can contact the number 55-627-22-728, where an advisor will assist you, or go to the website, select the “Other procedures and services” section, choose “Schedule an appointment ”, where you will be asked for some personal information, fill out a form and in minutes you will receive a confirmation of the day, place and time by email.

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