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Still on loan: David Tati does not return to Colo Colo and is made official at Deportes Copiapó

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Defender David Tati will not return to Colo Colo and will remain on loan at Deportes Copiapó for next season.

© instagramDavid Tati does not return to Colo Colo and continues on loan in the First Division.

David Tati is one of the many players who belong to Colo Colo. The defender returned to the club after being on loan in Sports Temuco during this year and returned to the institution to seek a new opportunity in the institution after his contract with the southerners ended.

David Tati does not return to Colo Colo and continues on loan.

It is that as we anticipated a few days ago in DaleAlbo, the footballer would go out on loan again with the mission of continuing to add minutes to his short 20 years and seeking the expected continuity to reach the Cacique in a more mature footballing manner in the future.

This is how the defender was made official as a new reinforcement of Deportes Copiapó for the next season on loan. The right back will be part of the northern club with which he will debut Colo Colo for him National Championship 2023.

It was on the 19th of this month when we announced that Deportes Copiapó had contacted Colo Colo to negotiate a loan for the defenderbeing a great jump from the side to compete for a place in a First Division club.

Colo Colo and Deportes Copiapó will face each other on the first date of the Chilean football championshipduel that should be played the week of January 22 in the north of the country while waiting for the programming to be defined.

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