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Stores, dietetics and more: the ranking of businesses that processed express authorizations

The Municipality issued a statement on the express rooms that aim to promote job creation and economic recovery. With that authorization, merchants can raise the blinds in 24 hours.

As reported, the main items are those related to the sale of grocery and dietary products, followed by clothing and accessories brands.

The localities in which this qualification was used the most is in Abasto, Los Hornos, Gonnet and the urban area of ​​La Plata.

Among the permits granted are those for preparation premises takeaway meals, sale of animal products, beauty treatments, bakeries, among others, in Tolosa, Villa Elvira, San Carlos, Lisandro Olmos, Gorina and more locations.

“This new modality has added a lot of transparency and speed to the process, since it allows merchants to obtain authorizations in 24 hours in an agile and comfortable way,” highlighted the head of the Platense Agency for Economic Development, Federico Ortiz.

The measure was implemented within the framework of the program “Reactive Silver” instead of the previous modality, which required the advance presentation of all the documentation and delayed the opening of the premises.


  • Complete the application form at o provisional authorization 24

  • Wait for confirmation of receipt in the e-mail provided, which includes a QR code to check the status of the process.

  • Wait for confirmation of approval within 24 hours in the email provided, which includes a cPDF certificate of provisional authorization.

  • Within a period of 90 calendar days, the remaining documentation must be submitted to obtain the final authorization. Both the list of said documentation and the place, days and times will be indicated in the confirmation email in point 3.

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