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Stranger Things: an unprecedented immersive experience arrives in France

Notice to fans, after the United States, Netflix will offer its Stranger Things: The Experience to the French public. From March 10, 2023 at the Paris Event Center in Parc de la Villette, this event will allow fans of the series to experience an unprecedented adventure, promises the streaming platform.

An episode of Stranger Things in the heart of Paris

Concretely, visitors are promised to experience a special episode. Hawkins’ lab will be recreated in this new kind of immersive experience. The atmosphere of the 80s should be there and participants will be invited to collaborate with characters from the saga such as Eleven, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, and Will.

The organizers are literally selling dreams by promising stunning special effects, and the possibility of using their powers to control the surrounding environment, as in the series. The streaming service guarantees: “The 35,000 m² of the Parc de la Villette gives the place all the potential necessary to host an experience as incredible as Stranger Things: The Experience! »

The immersive experience lasts about 45 minutes, but Netflix and Fever explain that it is possible to spend as much time as necessary in the Mix-Tape where we find “food, beverages, merchandise, and more. »

To immerse yourself in the atmosphere, it is also advisable to dress like in the 80s. Regarding the price, it is necessary to count 37 euros per person, while adults with disabilities, and young people from 5 (the recommended minimum age is rather 13) to 17 years old benefit from a reduced rate.

Netflix makes its franchises profitable

As we have already seen, Netflix intends to take full advantage of the potential of its flagship franchises. If it does not yet intend to launch amusement parks like Disney, the creation of ephemeral events like Stranger Things: The Experience is an opportunity to bring together fans of the saga around the world and to diversify the sources of income.

On this subject, Matthew Thunell, vice-president of Netflix, in particular at the origin of Stranger Thingsrecently explained: “We want our own Star Wars or Harry Potter, and we’re working very hard on that. But these things don’t happen with the snap of a finger. There are shows like Stranger Things that are hugely popular and hold enough mythology and side plots to allow us to push the show forward into anime, live-action or animated movies. »

You can find even more information on the website dedicated to the event here.

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