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Stranger Things fifth season delayed due to strike

Those of us who came of age in 2007 and remember the writer’s strike, will of course remember how this had major consequences for several beloved series. Thus, it is perhaps not so strange that speculation and theories have filled the internet since this year’s strike in the Writers Guild of America began a few days ago. However, we know that long-awaited projects such as the upcoming seasons of Andor and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power continue despite this, but now it is clear that another major series went on patrol.

Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer have taken to Twitter to announce that they will not be able to begin production on the fifth season of Stranger Things in a few weeks, as originally planned, due to the writers’ strike:

That’s not particularly surprising given that the Duffer brothers are known for making pretty big changes to their scripts during production. We’ll see if this puts enough pressure on the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers to end the dispute sooner rather than later.

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