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Street Fighter 6, how is the graphics? The Demo alla prove your PS4 and PlayStation 5

After seeing Horizon Forbidden West confrontation with Burning Shores, the youtuber ElAnalistaDeBits took the occasion of the Demo di Street Fighter 6 offer to make a comparative video between the versionsi PS4, PS4 PRO and PlayStation 5 dell’attesissimo picchiaduro di Capcom.

Download your Sony console for free from the night of April 21, the demo version of Street Fighter 6 guarantees all the fans of the series tested in early spring world tour and some modalities of the arcade experience Fighting Ground.

Always through the demo it is possible to access the editor of the character and, with that, there is the possibility of creating your own lottatore and keeping the fine file all’uscita del gioco finale, cher ricordiamo essere foreseen for it 2 months your PC, console PlayStation e Xbox Series X|S.

On the strictly graphic front, the comparison made by the noted youtuber shows the differences in visuals and performance between the test versions of SF6 appear to be approximately on the PS Store: there are last-gen versions for PS4 ‘base’ and PS4 PRO, the PlayStation 5 edition It proposes a very fluid frame rate and of the migliorie that abbracciano the quality of the shade and of the texture, as pure the definition of the physical motor, the management of the effects of environmental occlusion and the quality of the rifles.

Prima di lasciarvi al nuevo video raffronto di ElAnalistaDeBits, vi cordiamo che sulle pagine di trovate il nostro speciale sul gameplay della Beta di Street Fighter 6.

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