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Strong cold could cause iguanas to freeze in South Florida

Strong cold could cause iguanas to freeze in South Florida

MIAMI.- This coming weekend, the south of Florida prepares to face the consequences of the intense cold that has hit a large part of the country and with the drop in thermometers, meteorologists do not rule out the possibility of freezing iguanas.

Temperatures are expected to drop to the low 40s, an unusually low figure for the region’s subtropical climate. This phenomenon will have a peculiar effect on iguanas, an invasive species in the state.

Why are iguanas affected?

While humans have the luxury of wearing jackets and turning on the heat, these blood reptiles have their evolutionary instincts to defy nature and cannot regulate their body temperature.

When the thermometer drops below 50 degrees, iguanas become slow and lethargic. If the temperature drops to 30 or 40 degrees, they can “freeze” and lose their grip on the branches on which they perch, falling from the trees like ripe fruits.

It is important to note that this behavior does not indicate the death of the iguanas. They are only temporarily immobilized and have the ability to recover when weather conditions become warmer.


Given this phenomenon, the National Weather Service in Florida has issued unofficial “falling iguana” warnings, with the aim of alerting residents and asking them not to disturb these fallen lizards, as they could attack if they feel threatened.

Some Meteorologists agree that iguana falls will be likely this weekend in southwest Floridaas the coldest air of the season from Canada and the north of the country moves towards this part of the American Union.

The records of the conservation authorities of fauna and flora indicate that there is a considerable population of iguanas from Sanibel to Cape Coral and Naples.

The icy wind will make the thermal sensation even lower, accentuating the impact on these creatures.

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