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Strong leadership, weak party

A little more than twelve months before the 2024 election, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador began to pay the cost of consolidating such a strong leadership that is the locomotive and beacon of the movement that partyed more than a decade ago.

True, the daily exercise of that granite leadership has prevented the seed of tribalism from undoing Morena as it undid the PRD, but, together with presidential micromanagement, they prevent the Party from being institutionalized.

Strong leadership and a weak party will prevent the winning Corcholata from controlling the tribes of the Morena tamale pot. Willingly or not, he will let the President control and lead the campaign, because everyone is afraid of the President and, whatever they say, not even the most radical eat fire.

The real Mexico contradicts the ruling party

Despite the success of the officialism’s propaganda machine to use anti-Yanquismo as an axis of artificial confrontation with the US political establishment, the real Mexico undermines the official narrative on security.

The control of sections of highway by organized crime gangs, the threats in Taxco to the Procession of Silence and the exposure of extortion to tourist establishments prove how many regions and communities the Government does not control.

It will be increasingly difficult to justify the policy of “hugs, not bullets” and “we attend to the causes” and within a year the Government will decide if it risks being judged historically for security policy.

Lula, will it be a stone in the shoe?

Probably this week, the President of Brazil Luiz Inazio Lula da Silva will travel to Beijing at the head of a group of more than 200 Brazilian businessmen to realize his goal of being, once again, an important member of the BRICS association.

After all, the initials of the Association are formed with the names of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, recognized as middle powers for their development, of course, when China was not yet the second largest economy in the world.

The role of Brazil in this association, the ratification of its commercial and financial ties with China, a nation in confrontation with the United States, Mexico’s first commercial partner, could be a stone in the shoe of foreign policy.


All that remains is for the Official Gazette to publish the obituary of the National Institute of Migration. Its disappearance is a cosmetic measure, sterile in the face of the humanitarian crisis due to migration… Today at the meeting of the General Council of the INE headed by the president counselor Guadalupe Taddei Zavala, he will designate the integration of the essential commissions for the operation of the institute. By the way, do not invent, what citizen outcry for the spending of the INE?… Banxico reveals that the past-due portfolio for consumer credit is the highest in two years… They denounce that the parties spend millions on caps, t-shirts, vests. The voice of real Mexico says: “These people have many needs. They don’t go to any rallies or meetings if they deliver anything ”… Many years ago, Jimmy Carter’s daughter, when her father was President, was asked any message for the children of the United States? Her response was masterful: “No!”…

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