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Strong repudiation of Together for Change to the government’s report on Human Rights

the national table of Together for Change expressed its rejection of the report to be presented by the Argentine Government before the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Councilin which he refers to the opposition and the Judiciary.

The leaders understand that “unusually, in an official report” on the situation of Human Rights in Argentina, accuse their own country of violating human rights with the intention “to achieve impunity for the crimes of multimillion-dollar corruption of their previous Kirchner government”, they think.

Horacio Pietragalla – Secretary of Human Rights of Argentina. Source: (Profile).

In addition to the repudiation of the report, in a message addressed to the United Nations, Together for Change assured that “It is absolutely false” that those accused and convicted of corruption have not had the right to defensesince “all judicial instances” intervened in the processes, two for prosecution, two for appeals and “several cases”, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation,” they explained.

The main opposition front expressed in the statement, in addition to the repudiation of the “actions of government representatives”, an apology to the international community “for the shame of lying to the United Nations accusing the opposition democracy of Argentina from participating in plots to violate the rule of law”.

UN Human Rights Council. Source: (Telam).

The leaders of Together for Change they remarked that the purpose pursued by the government with this maneuver “is to justify before the international community, the onslaught that it is carrying out against independent justice to cover themselves under a cloak of impunity against well-founded and proven acts of corruption”.

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