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Students Evicted After Shooting; there were two deaths

Nayra Rivera / Reform Agency

Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 22:57

Students from the “José María Vázquez” General Secondary School #4 in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, were evicted this afternoon after a shooting that left two dead.

The events were recorded on Doctor Mora Street, in the Benito Juárez neighborhood, in the north of the city, where firearms were detonated, according to information from the State Public Security Secretariat (SSP).

Security elements and also paramedics went to the place, who confirmed the death of two people in the place as a result of the shots.

The people have not been identified, so their bodies were transferred to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo).

Academic and administrative staff, as well as students, were evicted from the facilities through the emergency exit, while experts carried out investigations.

After the double homicide, a security operation was launched, however, no arrests linked to the events have been announced.

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